About Me

I’m an early career transportation planner with a passion for using spatial and non-spatial data to gain insights into how we travel. I recently graduated from the University of Utah with my master’s degree in city planning and I work for Foursquare ITP in Washington, D.C. as a transportation planner. I’m particularly interested in the spatial aspects of transportation systems and using data for mapping, analysis, and modeling.

I have experience in the following tools:

  • Spatial: ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Google Earth Pro
  • Analytical: R, SQL, Python, Microsoft Excel
  • Travel Modeling: Synchro (basic), Cube (basic)
  • Visualization: PowerBI, Adobe Illustrator
  • Other: Microsoft Office Suite, Qualtrics

Why this site?

Simply put, I’m trying to push my professional knowledge and technical expertise forward through a range of personal projects. I want to share what I create – not just the finished product, but the conceptual and technical side as well.


danielritter4 [at] outlook [.] com

Disclaimer: This content is my own and does not represent the views of my employer.